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Stand With US 

To demand proper infrastructure that facilitates and promotes a safer community before developing 1230 W. Caroline Lane


Is to bring together our community of neighbors to demand that before any large development is planned for 1230 W. Caroline Lane the builder and city agree to fix the existing problems we have. This development would further congest the only "right of way" in and out of our neighborhood. It would cause noise & environmental pollution. It may create unforeseen safety issues, hazards and potentially lead to the increase of crime within our area. Join us at the virtual hearings, Volunteer your time to spread the word and sign our online petition today! Let the Tempe City Council Members "hear your voice"!!!

Sign Our 


There are several important hearings just around the corner. Please sign our online petition, talk to your neighbors, join us at the virtual hearings and tell the Tempe City Council to REJECT this proposal unless our demands are met... 

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Impacts On US


A large development of any kind in this confined area would without doubt cause strain and further congest Caroline Lane. Caroline is the only two-lane "Right Of Way" we have in and out of our neighbor. We must voice our concerns and at least require another entrance and exit to these new apartments, condos or homes to ensure "ease of passage" and safety for us all. 


If successful the proposed addition of 29 units would add 60+ vehicles commuting on Caroline Lane daily!!!



During the Construction process there will be both Environmental and Noise pollution. Such developments are known to create large "clouds" dust and debris. These issues outline possible health concerns regarding the "air we breath" and the noise will definitely impact our "quality of life.


Please consider these concerns as they effect us all and "the clock is ticking". Join us at the virtual Tempe City Council meetings, sign our online petition and make your voice heard!



If the development is approved we may be at greater risk of a possible hazards and unforeseen emergency situations. For example: In the event of a Fire our ability to flee quickly may be infringed upon based on having only one exit from our neighborhood.


It is also feasible to consider the possibility that this new development may unintentionally bring a higher crime rate to our area. It's important that we attempt to address as many concerns as possible to mitigate potential risks.

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1280 W. Caroline Lane

Tempe, AZ 85284


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We are your neighbors Please join us and be heard...


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